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Authors Notes

I know there are some of you that see this book as a thinly veiled biography (auto or otherwise) and some see it as a work of fiction. My only comments are that each person must take what they want from this book but, if it is fictional, it's very much "plot driven".


In writing the book I've had to walk a bit of a tightrope. Giving more detail would probably take away from the pace of the story and...well, one can get hurt falling off a tightrope (depending on the height!). 


A quick word on locations. The places described in Belgium and Egypt are entirely accurate - you can almost follow the directions. But don't. There have been some necessary adjustments on where the actual action (real or fictional) took place so the details given are true but not necessarily "where it happened". One of the UK locations where the action (real or fictional) took place is exact. The rest are deliberately masked.


There will be a second book because the story moves on and I'm gathering lots of stuff on it. It's scary! If you would like a heads up when that book is ready just register your name and email on the Contact page and I'll let you know when it's ready. 

This first book was actually written a couple of years ago but was only sent to a few specific people - again, you'll see why after you've read the book. Finally we felt it safe enough to release the book to a wider audience and it would be really good if you could spread the word after you've read it and only if you feel able to do so.


Authors Notes: About Me
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